

I have always loved to bake and cook for my family so when I began my Weight Watcher journey in 2020, I changed our regular dishes into more point friendly variations. I began experimenting and came up with new recipes, utilizing ingredients I had never thought of before.

As they have done for me, I want my recipes to help others eat more healthily without feeling deprived. 

“It's a lifestyle, not a diet.”  It's time to get excited again about the food you eat!


If you've been thinking of signing up for healthy living lifestyle WW has a $10.00 for 10 months offer right now!!! 

It's Available!!!!! 53 Small Batch Recipes. 

You can order directly through me or through Etsy!!!!

my email: triedandtrue2021@yahoo.com


I would like to make you the owner of this digital recipe binder that I made in June of last year, it contains 60 WW recipes with points (Bits) 

It's a Pay What You Can. It's great if you can pay $9.75, but it's also OK if you can only afford $5.00 or even $1.00.

If you'd like to order this PDF Recipe book, email me-triedandtrue2021@yahoo.com. PayPal, Venmo accepted.

You may click this link https://www.etsy.com/listing/1484358172/ww-digital-recipe-book?click_key=4f2efa5227f91a36fd72d5c3139d04bb24066f13%3A1484358172&click_sum=7539194a&ref=shop_home_active_1&crt=1 to see an example of what's included, but if you want to take advantage of the "Pay What You Can" option, purchase directly from me rather than through Etsy. 


Rating: 4.5714285714286 stars
7 votes


You can download my FREE Pointed Recipe Index here!  The list contains all of the recipes I've shared on my Facebook WW page.  The list will be updated monthly

Pointed Recipe Index
PDF – 350.6 KB 55 downloads

Weekly Meal Plan #1 

Weekly Meal Plan 1
PDF – 88.5 KB 30 downloads


Here you can download my WW grocery list. I'll update monthly as I discover new foods.


WW Guide to Groceries
PDF – 135.3 KB 137 downloads

 Pointed Grocery Lists  Free to Download 

TARGET Pointed Grocery List Pdf
PDF – 109.8 KB 47 downloads
Walmart Pointed Grocery List
PDF – 124.4 KB 60 downloads
COSTCO Pointed Grocery List Pdf
PDF – 86.9 KB 127 downloads
Trader Joes Pointed Grocery List Pdf
PDF – 128.9 KB 105 downloads

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Karen Watson
4 months ago

Wow! I love your weight watchers recipes and so happy I purchased the binders and recipe cards from you. Great job over 500 recipes and happy you share points. Congratulations on your website!

Dianna Clark
4 months ago

Thank You!!!! I'm so happy you're happy with your purchases.

Artra Hough
4 months ago

I’ve been hoping to find a group I could join to get WW recipes on a regular basis. I think my dreams just came true.

Dianna Clark
4 months ago

The more the merrier! Welcome, glad you found me