Small Batch Cottage Cheese Honey Wheat Bagels
3 WW Points each

Yields 3
¾ cup (90 grams) of Whole Wheat Flour
1 tsp baking powder
½ cup (113 grams) 1.5% Fat Cottage Cheese
1 Tbsp keto honey, I use Choczero
2 Tbsp of zero calorie sweetener, I use Truvia
Preheat oven to 410 degrees
Mix cottage cheese, sweetener and honey together in a medium bowl. Add flour and powder. Using a large wooden spoon, mix, mashing curds into flour, keep mixing and mashing until a dough has formed. Remove from bowl and divide into 3 equal portions (77-79 grams each) Roll into a 9-10” log, connect the ends, sealing seam on top and bottom.
Place on baking sheet, spritz each with I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter spray.
Bake 16 minutes. Remove from sheet to cool

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