Easy Marinara

0 WW Points per serving

I was making a Cheese Ravioli dish but only had about a 1/2 cup of marinara left. I just happen to have a can of diced Roma tomatoes in the cupboard, so I cooked those down with added spices/garlic and a couple bay leaves. Removed the bay leaves, mashed the tomatoes, added sauce, diced bell peppers added back the bay leaves and simmer until I’m ready to serve it

1 tsp of minced garlic

1/2 tsp of oregano

1/2 tsp of basil

a Few pinches of Salt & Pepper

2 Bay leaves

1/2 Cup of premade marinara, I used Bertoli Marinara

1 Can of Contadina Roma Tomatoes, Oregano, Basil, Garlic undrained

1 each Green Bell pepper, Red Pepper - Diced

Cook down can of tomatoes for about 45 minutes before mashing.

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