Cheese Danish-ish

3 WW Points per serving 

I know a Danish is made with a pastry crust but this is WW and this is how we do it.

This dough recipe works every time, easy to handle hardly any added flour needed for rolling. You can use it for just about anything you use 2 ingredient dough for.

Yields 10

2 cups of flour, I used Gold Medal Unbleached

1/2 cup fat free Greek yogurt

1 large egg

2 1/2 tsp baking powder

2 tbsp unsweetened almond milk

1/2 tsp salt

5 wedges of lite cheese, I used Laughing Cow Lite

2 tbsp of zero calorie sweetener, I used Monkfruit


I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Spray


Preheat oven 350 degrees


In the bowl of stand mix, add flour, salt, powder, sugar, egg, yogurt and milk. Mix on low until dough forms, you will have some flour left at the bottom, turn out onto a baking mat knead to incorporate.

Roll to a 10"x13", make 1" wide cuts on the 10" side. Spray with butter and sprinkle with cinnamon.




Coil each strip, tuck the end under and place on a large baking sheet. Thumb press the middles

Mix and mash the cheese wedges together, add to each thumb indention evenly.



Bake 17-22 minutes. If you don't have a stand mixer, start with a large spoon and mix until a dough forms, then knead as stated above.

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