Microwave Blueberry Blended Oats

4 WW Points per serving

Serves 1

40 g of old-fashioned oats (1/2 cup)

10 g of protein powder, I used Muscle Milk 100 calorie vanilla (or replace with oats)

1 tsp of baking powder

1 egg

1 tsp of sugar free maple syrup

5 1/2 tbsp of unsweetened plain almon milk (80mL)

1/2 cup of fresh blueberries

toppings: additional maple syrup, banana slices, strawberries, cinnamon, whatever you like

Blend baking powder and oats to flour consistency, add to a 3 1/2 cup capacity microwave safe bowl, I used one of my cereal bowls.

Add protein powder and whisk, if using all oats, skip. Then add egg, syrup and milk, whisk vigorously, drop in blueberries and microwave 2 minutes. Be careful when removing from microwave it is hot! best to use towel or oven mitts.

Add toppings and enjoy!!!! cuz it's delicious, daughter gave it 2 thumbs up.

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