Cinnamon Oat Cake

1 WW Point per serving

This is an oatmeal cake without sweeteners and no bananas!

It’s a low point blank canvas. You can have it for breakfast with syrup. You can have it for dessert with chocolate sauce, Cool Whip fruit, whatever you want. 


8 servings

1 cup of old-fashioned oats

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

2 large eggs

1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

1 tsp vanilla extract


Grease 9” cake pan , preheat oven 350°

Blend oats to a flour like consistency  add to a medium bowl with soda, salt and powder, whisk to combine.  Add eggs, applesauce, and vanilla extract, combine.

Transferred to prepared pan, sprinkle cinnamon on top.

Bake 15 minutes remove from oven and cool.

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